When you begin to really dive into a subject like this, and start to see the connections to other strange topics and struggle to begin putting together some kind of coherent narrative about what in the name of Klaatu is going on around here, you’ll find, if you just stay with it, stay calm, and hold your tongue just right, that synchronicities will just start popping up all around you.

A lot of that is the internet, of course, which is like a massive relational database with algorithms serving you content you did not even know you were interested in…

But I promise you, it will start jumping off the screen and into your real life. Seems cool at first. After awhile, it can get a bit exhausting, tbh.

So, I was talking to someone looking into some of this sort of content and that led me to pick up my trusty copy of Jack Sarfatti’s Destiny Matrix. I am not going to get a lot into who Sarfatti just now, except to say he knows folks like Hal Puthoff and Kit Green pretty well, which may explain his sequel, Destiny Matrix 2020.

In any event, I took a break from that and decided to watch our man Lue step into the “Black Vaultto talk about his missing emails. Email shenanigans are becoming a tradition in American politics, apparently. As they talked, I scrolled really quite a ways down in the list of videos the Youtube algorithm thought I should view next and found the video below.

I will summarize the video real quick, but I am not taking credit for this info and in fact, have not really gone through and verified it all yet. It was posted by someone going by “Barely Sociable” and while there are other videos and articles out there, he pulls this together in a particularly relevant way.

Just a few years before our battleships were stalked by flying breath mints, a physicist named Ning Li had made a theoretical breakthrough, a way to counteract gravity. Peer reviewed. They found no mistakes, she says lighheartedly in the video. She ran her first tests, but sadly the effect was far too small to be useful. Still, undaunted, Ning Li and her research partner both moved to the new companies they had incorporated before this terrible experimental setback, in order to develop this technology. Luckily, despite the poor experimental results, Dr. Ning-Li scored a cool half mill from the Defense Department to continue her quixotic quest.

And then, she disappeared.

Her name shows up a time or two as late as 2003, but then nothing. Her company, AC Gravity is still operating, almost two decades later, doing what – we have no idea.

So where has she gone? Anyway, so I’m watching this video but who should pop up but the very guy who wrote that book I’m reading, Jack Sarfatti. It is part 4 of a 2008 interview by some rando called Lensman137 who mostly posts backpacking videos, and part way through, as they talk about three tech breakthroughs that could explain how UFOs are just so dang zippy and hard to spot, he mentions Dr. Ning Li and how she disappeared and that the DoD says she has gone back to China and they can’t get ahold of her.

So now China…”Red China” as Sarfatti emphasizes, because he is the coldest of cold warriors, has a jump on this tech. A really high jump, given the nature of it. Did Ning Li really skeedaddle off to China? How would Sarfatti know and why would he reveal that? Does the DoD even believe that? And did that rather prolific gatherer of exotic tech patents, Salvatore Pais, crib from her notes while she was gone?

There’s more to the story, including a physicist in Finland who has a similar arc, minus the disappearing part, but that’s the gist of it.

Now, I know what yer thinkin’. But there are a couple of problems with this, quite obviously. For one, Dr. Ning Li had only just disappeared when the Tic Tacs appeared. Her research was too new to have been incorporated that quickly. Buuut…if someone else had discovered it before her, the DoD might have taken her black to add to their Best of Anti-Gravity Scientists collection and to keep other countries’ grubby hands off our spiffy new tech. Or, perhaps all of that was a ruse, just to make the Chinese think this tech was viable so they would waste their time. Or maybe she was a Chinese agent all along, just sussing out our own anti-gravity work. How hard can it be for a Chinese national to score top secret defense contracts, anyway? Maybe she is a double agent and is scoping out the latest tic tac tech in China. Maybe Kit Green went to China to look for her. Who knows?

In addition, as anyone who has followed the UFO subject knows, the observed performance characteristics of UFOs have been described in the same way for many decades. In fact, here is an excerpt from the Sarfatti book I mentioned above.

We allegedly see flying saucers accelerating to beyond the speed of sound in the atmosphere with no shock waves. How can that happen? We allegedly see right angle turns and sudden reversals of direction of motion. How can this happen without g-forces that would kill the crew and break apart the metallic saucer?

Destiny Matrix by Jack Sarfatti 2002, p. 33

2002. See what I mean? This is all backwards, which, given certain of his theories about time and retrocausality probably suits Sarfatti just fine. But it doesn’t suit me, and it shouldn’t suit you either. I don’t claim to understand what all this is about. Is this all an elaborate counter-intelligence operation to smoke out Chinese agents posing as mad scientists? Is it about psyching them out into thinking we have tech that will kick their asses while leaving a clean, minty aftertaste? Do we actually have that tech? Does anyone? I have no idea.

But I do know this. Lue Elizondo is not going to force their hand by running for Congress. Chris Mellon is not going to sweet talk the National Security State into coughing up the goods. Because…and please jot this down and keep it somewhere handy:


And we, my friends, are not.

Enjoy the video.